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PHRASAL VERBS – Exercise (key included)


The company needs some months to take off

The party was called off because of the bad weather

The meeting will be put off because the boss is ill (reporter)

I don’t want my decision to set off panic

The power was cut off because of a power failure

This sum of money will allow me to pay off my debt

The robbers made off as soon as they had the money

People call for a change (exiger)

She fell for him at first sight

I will go for this solution (choisir)

I had to send for the doctor because my father was very ill (faire venir)

Look out, the street is icy!

The teacher gave out the exam papers

New strategies are being worked out every day

The researcher found out a revolutionary method

We should carry out this plan! (mettre à exécution)

He set out to launch his own business (entreprendre)

We set out from home at 5 a.m. (partir)

Only few people stand out of the mass

I decided to take up an English course

Prices were put up by 10%

He set up his company a few years ago

Please wait, I cannot keep up (suivre)

The most important thing is to keep up your payments (continuer à s’acquitter de)

You should bring the matter up at the next meeting (soulever)

It’s obvious that he made up the whole story (inventer)

They had a quarrel, but they made up this very evening (se réconcilier)

I would like you to come up with a new good idea (trouver, proposer)

They have to work hard if they want to catch up with their competitors (rattraper)

The company has been taken over from the previous owner by a business man

Can I look the flat over? (jeter un coup d’oeil)

Don’t hesitate to come over as soon as you are in London (passer voir)

Peter doesn’t like to take on responsibilities

Could you please pass the message on to the other members? (faire passer un message)

I get on well with my colleagues (bien s’entendre)

I hope you will get on well in life

You get on well with your new computer! (bien se débrouiller)

He finally took to learning Chinese (prendre goût à)

John doesn’t take in what I’m saying! (comprendre)

We were put back by the bad weather (retarder)

Why do you hang back from coming with us? (être réticent, hésiter à)

The crisis has brought about many changes (provoquer, amener)

Clara gets along well with Tom (bien s’entendre)

Be careful not to fall behind in your studies (prendre du retard)

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