Vous voulez parler anglais couramment ? Alors il y a des adjectifs + prépositions qu’il faut savoir, tels que able to, scared of, mean to, cross with, etc. Vous constaterez que ces adjectifs demandent une certaine construction, qui, très souvent, ne ressemble pas au français.
Par exemple, on ne dit pas : I’m satisfied of my work, mais bien : I’m satisfied with my work, ni : Be polite with your teacher!, mais plutôt : Be polite to your teacher!
Pour bien les mémoriser, il faut créer un genre de réflexe. Les phrases que je vous ai préparées incluent les principaux adjectifs à connaître. Vous pouvez le faire sous forme d’exercice ou, si vous préférez, vous amuser à compléter les phrases avec les réponses qui se trouvent juste en dessous, et, un peu plus tard, essayer de refaire l’exercice, cette fois, sans regarder les réponses.
Voici les 33 principaux adjectifs + prépositions (les réponses sont juste en dessous) :
- I was very angry ……… myself ……… being such a fool (fâché)
- Stop being so mean ……… me, you might need me one day (méchant)
- She is very afraid/scared ……… spiders (to be afraid /scared = avoir peur)
- He is mad ……… football (fou)
- As he was jobless, he felt anxious ……… his future (inquiet)
- He refused to feel involved ……… all that fuss (se sentir concerné – fuss = histoires)
- The teacher was cross ……… the pupils (en colère)
- This father is very impatient ……… his children
- The old woman was grateful ……… him ……… helping her cross the street (reconnaissant)
- You are perfectly able ……… do it! (capable)
- The man wasn’t capable ……… doing it (capable)
- You should be proud ……… your son! (fier)
- The noise was due ……… my sister, who didn’t want to go to bed (dû)
- This breed is threatened ……… extinction (breed = race – menacé)
- When he saw the tiger, he felt overcome ……… fear (envahi/accablé)
- Are you interested ……… politics? (to be interested = s’intéresser)
- Why are you so worried ……… it? (inquiet)
- I’m very pleased ……… my new computer! (content)
- She is very good/bad ……… finding solutions (to be good = avoir de la facilité – to be bad = ne pas être doué)
- John was very excited ……… his new car
- Please be nice/polite ……… your teacher!
- He is very keen ……… sports (passionné)
- Peter was very surprised ……… her new hair-cut (hair-cut = coupe de cheveux)
- He is never satisfied ……… what he has!
- Are you conscious/aware ……… what you are saying? (conscient)
- Pat is married ……… John
- I’m disappointed ……… him (déçu)
- Are you upset ……… her? (fâché)
- I’m bored ……… what I’m doing (to be bored = s’ennuyer, donc ce que je fais m’ennuie)
- She is sorry ……… what she has done (désolé)
- This writer is famous ……… his last book (writer = écrivain – célèbre)
- Pat is very different ……… her sister
- You are not responsible ……… what has occurred! (ce qui est arrivé)
Réponses :
1. with (somebody) – for being 2. to 3. of 4. about 5. about 6. in 7. with (somebody) (about something) 8. with 9. to – for 10. to 11. of 12. of 13. to 14. with 15. with 16. in 17. about 18. with 19. at 20. about 21. to 22. on 23. at or by 24. with 25. of 26. to 27. with 28. with/at (somebody) (about something) 29. with 30. about 31. for 32. from 33. for
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