Today, I have some Christmas greetings and vocabulary for you, but not only: I also have a short article for those who don’t celebrate Christmas or need to boost their motivation to learn English! This article will show you the importance of words and the impact they can have in your life. It is entitled: “This 5 Letter Word we should Never Pronounce!” (Too late, you just pronounced it!) Which word is it and why shouldn’t I use it?
But first, let’s discover together:
CHRISTMAS greetings
Professional greetings / Voeux professionnels
CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR / NOEL ET NOUVEL AN (séparément ou ensemble)
With best wishes for the holidays and the coming year = Avec nos meilleurs voeux pour les Fêtes et la Nouvelle Année
Best wishes for a happy and successful New Year! = (Nos) meilleurs voeux pour une heureuse Nouvelle Année, pleine de succès !
We wish you a prosperous and wonderful New Year! = Nous vous souhaitons une merveilleuse et prospère année 2016 !
We wish you a wonderful New Year filled with abundance and success! = Nous vous souhaitons une merveilleuse année pleine d’abondance et de succès !
I hope 2016 is a year of geat happiness and success for you! Happy New Year! = J’espère que 2016 sera une année de grand bonheur pour vous ! Bonne et heureuse année !
We are grateful for our work with you and look forward to working again with you soon. With our best wishes for a happy New Year = Nous vous sommes heureux d’avoir pu collaborer avec vous et nous réjouissons de notre collaboration prochaine avec vous. Avec nos meilleurs voeux pour la Nouvelle Année
Personal greetings, oral or written (for a greeting card) / Voeux personnels, oraux ou écrits (pour une carte de voeux)
I wish you a Happy Christmas / a Merry Christmas! = Je te/vous souhaite un Joyeux Noël !
Happy holidays! = Joyeux Noël !
Merry Christmas and best wishes for you and your family! = Joyeux Noël et meilleurs voeux pour vous et votre famille !
I wish you a Happy New Year! = Je vous souhaite une heureuse Nouvelle Année !
We wish you a beautiful and magical New Year! = Nous vous souhaitons une merveilleuse Nouvelle Année ! (= magnifique et magique)
We wish you the best for 2016! = Nous vous souhaitons le meilleur pour 2016 !
I wish you a wonderful 2016! = Je te/vous souhaite une merveilleuse Nouvelle Année 2016 !
Best wishes for 2016! = Meilleurs voeux pour 2016 !
Best wishes for you and your family! = Mes/nos meilleurs voeux à vous et à votre famille !
(US) New Year’s! = Heureuse Nouvelle Année !
We wish (you and your family) a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
For a greeting card only / Pour une carte de voeux seulement
We want to wish you the happiest and merriest Christmas (on this chilly winter’s day)! = Nous désirons vous souhaiter le plus joyeux et le plus heureux des Noëls (en ce jour glacial d’hiver) !
We are sending you our love and best wishes this Christmas Day = Nous vous adressons notre amitié ainsi que nos meilleurs voeux à l’occasion de Noël
(Poetical) We hope that you are wrapped up warm, with those who mean the most to you on this wonderful holiday day, celebrating the joy of Christmas = Nous espérons que vous êtes bien au chaud, entourés des gens qui vous sont chers, en ce jour merveilleux de Noël et célébrant la joie de Noël
Happy New Year, Happiness, Luck and Health! = Bonne et heureuse Nouvelle Année, bonheur, chance et santé !
Have a happy, wealthy and successful year! = Je te/vous souhaite ou Nous te/vous souhaitons une année pleine de bonheur, de santé et de succès !
On New Year’s day, we wish you joy and fulfillment = A l’occasion de la Nouvelle Année, nous vous souhaitons beaucoup de joie et de satisfactions (= accomplissement)
Happy 2016! I wish you a New Year filled with prosperity, joy and contentment! = Heureuse Nouvelle Année ! Je te/vous souhaite une Nouvelle Année pleine de prospérité, de joie et de satisfactions !
We wish you a happy New Year and… = Nous te/vous souhaitons une heureuse Nouvelle année et …
(2nd part of text) …may the New Year bring you happiness and make all your wishes come true = … puisse la nouvelle année vous apporter le bonheur et faire en sorte que tous vos souhaits se réalisent
(2nd part of text) …may the coming year bring you and your loved ones a lot of happiness, love and prosperity = … puisse la nouvelle année vous apporter, à vous et à vos proches, beaucoup de bonheur, d’amour et de prospérité
(2nd part of text) …we wish you twelve months of happiness and prosperity! = … nous vous souhaitons douze mois de bonheur et de prospérité !
(2nd part of text) (poetical) …I send you a basket full of happiness from the bottom of my heart = je vous envoie un panier plein de bonheur du fond du coeur
2 RECIPES (poetical)
Warm wishes
for a glorious New Year
which will reward all
your future aspirations
with overwhelming success
A spoonful of happiness
a pinch of success
and as main ingredient
peace and togetherness
fairly shared around the world
Season’s Greetings! = Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année !
We send you all our warmest Season’s greetings and love for the New Year! = Nous t’adressons tous nos voeux les plus chaleureux pour les Fêtes et toute notre amitié (nos amitiés) pour la Nouvelle Année !
Please receive my warmest thoughts and best wishes for a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year! = Je vous adresse mes chaleureuses pensées/mes pensées les plus chaleureuses et mes meilleurs voeux pour un merveilleux Noël et une heureuse Nouvelle Année !
Season’s Greetings with all good wishes for the New Year! = Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année/Joyeuses Fêtes de fin d’année, ainsi que tous nos bons voeux pour la nouvelle année !
Season’s Greetings and… = Joyeux Noël et Bonne Année ! …
(2nd part of text) …may you enjoy the time of the holidays with your dearest family and friends = … puissiez-vous/je vous souhaite de passer de bons moments à l’occasion des Fêtes (et de Nouvel An) avec votre famille et vos amis adorés
(2nd part of text) …may you enjoy every moment of this magical Holiday Season! = je vous souhaite de profiter de chaque instant de cette période magique des Fêtes !
(2nd part of text) (Poetical) …may your home be warm and toasty, full of joy and happiness! We wish you health, prosperity and all good things! = puisse votre maison être agréable et douillette, pleine de joie et de bonheur ! Nous vous souhaitons santé, prospérité et beaucoup de bonnes choses !
CHRISTMAS vocabulary
Christmas time, the Christmas season = la période de Noël, les Fêtes de Noël, les Fêtes de fin d’année
Christmas holidays = les vacances de Noël
The holiday season = la période des vacances
Christmas Eve = la veille de Noël, le réveillon
Father Christmas / Santa Claus = le père Noël
Christmas tree = le sapin de Noël
A Christmas present = un cadeau de Noël
Christmas pudding = pudding ou gâteau traditionnel de Noël
Yule log cake = bûche de Noël
Christmas turkey = la dinde de Noël
Bells = cloches / candles = bougies / gingerbread = pain d’épices / holly = houx / mistletoe = gui
New Year’s Day (is a holiday) = le jour du Nouvel An (est férié)
On New Year’s Day / At Christmas = le jour de l’an / à Noël
And finally:
YOUR ARTICLE: This 5 Letter Word we should Never Pronounce! (Too late, you just pronounced it!)
Who never said: «I will never succeed in learning English! », or anything else? Nobody who is willing to learn English can pretend not to have pronounced it once in his or her life.
Do you realise the impact this word can have on your motivation and success? If it were the case, you wouldn’t pronounce it anymore, never; ever!
When you use this powerful about something, you mark it out as “not expected to happen for ever” or as “condemned not to have any chance to happen”. It’s a heavy word, which is difficult to take responsibility for.
When you are a teenager, you often use all kinds of strong words to assert yourself and assert your difference. But when you have become an adult, this word doesn’t have the same meaning in your mouth. You don’t have any Joker to play anymore, you no longer have any excuses. What you say cannot be understood by your mind like a temporary reaction, which will soon disappear. As you are supposed to take responsibility for what you say, you should be careful not to cast any spell on yourself (= de ne pas vous jeter un sort !) because, don’t forget it: words have a stong power on your mind, whether you are conscious of that or not!
Anyway, I know that many people start learning English but that only few among them go on until they get the expected results. Most people even tried many times. You know, it’s normal to be tempted to give up and to be tempted to say: « I will never succeed », but what is less normal is when you put the stress on the word « never » and believe this word has a real existence. The word « never » is unreal. It cannot have any power on you if you don’t believe in it! If you are discouraged and tempted to give up, there is one easy thing you have to do at once : change your mindset! Do you know you can change your mindset instantaneously? If you decide now to use the right words and believe in yourself, you will manage it! When you are discouraged, the important points are to « program » your mind again, with sentences like « I believe in myself », « I’m motivated and I can do it » and to use the right means or method to keep the motivation. If you follow those 2 points, you will attract amazing results like a magnet and visibly improve your English level.
The fact that you haven’t found enough motivation or that you haven’t been as successful as you wished in learning English until now doesn’t mean that you are condemned to give up for the rest of your life. If you think and act in a different way, you will produce different results, for sure. Many of my students were like you when I met them. They were discouraged, but they decided not to give up and asked for help. When you are discouraged, don’t stay alone. Take action at once and you will find a solution. All that you need is to speak to the right person and to be boosted again. That’s why the job of a coach and personal trainer can be helpful in terms of motivation so that you get some precious advice to reach your goal. If you need help, don’t hesitate to contact me: parleretapprendreanglais@windowslive.com
I wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
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