IMMIGRATION, the reasons, statements, issues and solutions. Parlez anglais plus facilement !
What can we say about this tricky issue, which currently concerns many people on earth? Let’s take a look at some important points of this hot topic, which gives a headache to the governments of the planet [to give a headache to sb. = donner du fil à retordre]
First(ly), let’s wonder why people flee their country.
They leave because (of):
- the climate changes and their consequences
- a bad economic situation
- they are in search of a better life
- the quest for a (better) job
- they are seeking an Eldorado
- the poor condition of sanitation and life conditions bringing extreme poverty
Then, some statements are necessary to arouse reactions in people, what are these statements?
It’s high time we sound/sounded the alarm
A lot of people on earth are in urgent need to flee to safety, to take shelter in a new country
Many parts of the globe have become uninhabitable and immigration is inevitable
The more frequent natural disasters noticed should prompt the governments to react and take drastic and compelling measures
We are minimizing the signs of global warming
The problem of immigration is an issue of international scope
We can’t put the blame on these deprived people who fight to survive
This tense situation breeds violent reactions between refugees and also in the population, who has to shelter a large number of people at a time, sometimes without their consent
Now, what about the difficulties immigrants themselves meet with when they travel and when they arrive?
The smugglers charge large sums of money, they are greedy for money
These people embark on overcrowed and unsafe boats
The asylum seekers are numerous and arrive massively in one place
These people are unrooted and they sometimes arrive without any identity papers
They have to stay in refugee camps supposing that they are not full
Many months are required for their requests to be processed or dealt with by the authorities
Discontent is raging when there are too many immigrants (for example: Italy)
It’s difficult to clear up whether they are real climatic or economic refugees or not
Last and main point: what are the solutions to this issue (generally speaking)?
We have to spotlight this tricky issue and get involved all together to find a human solution
Europe should face it in conjunction with the countries where they arrive
Governments must find common ground and see eye to eye to adopt a long-term vision
New rules, laws, regulations have to be voted and implemented/enforced in terms of climate change prevention (if not too late)