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Les RELATIFS: qui, que, dont, duquel, à/pour/avec qui… ou les formes WHO(M), WHICH, THAT, WHOSE, WHAT…

Partie 1 (fin)

La personne dont je t’ai parlé habite ici = The person about whom I have talked to you lives here

C’est la personne dont je m’occupe = This is the person whom I’m looking after (to look after = after à la fin)

Le pays dont/duquel il est originaire … = The country of which he is native…

La façon dont il l’a dit … = The way (in which) he said it… (in which = facultatif)

C’est quelque chose dont on ne peut pas se passer = This is something (that) you cannot do without (that = facultatif)

C’est un challenge dont on pense/dit qu’il est difficile, mais qui se révèle facile à la fin = This is a challenge that we think/say it’s difficult but proves easy in the end

C’est un garçon dont on ignore tout = He is a boy about whom we know nothing

La fille dont il est amoureux habite en France = The girl with whom he is in love lives in France

Le restaurant dont il m’a parlé est près d’ici = The restaurant about which he talked to me is close to here

Le gars, dont la fille est avocate, … = The guy, whose daughter is a lawyer, …

La personne, dont je connais la mère, … = The person, whose mother I know, …

La maison dont le toit va être réparé… = The house, whose roof will be repaired, …

Il y a deux livres, dont l’un est plus récent que l’autre = There are two books, one of which is more recent than the other one

Il y avait dix personnes, dont Marie = There were ten people, among them Mary

Il y a de nombreuses personnes, dont deux que je connais bien = There are many people, two of whom I know well.

Ces gens, dont on dit qu’ils sont bizarres, … = These people, who are said to be weird, … (forme passive très courante)

C’est ce dont je suis le plus fier = This is what I’m the proudest of (avec what = préposition à la fin)

C’est ce dont je voulais te parler = This is what I wanted to tell you about (avec what = préposition à la fin)

Ce dont je te parle, c’est … = What I’m talking about is… (avec what = préposition à la fin)

C’est ce dont j’ai besoin = That’s what I need (to need something)

C’est l’homme à qui j’ai parlé hier = This is the man to whom I spoke yesterday

C’est la recette à laquelle je pensais = This is the recipe about which I was thinking

Le boss pour qui/pour lequel je travaillais … = The boss for whom I was working…

La fille avec qui j’ai fait ce voyage … = The girl with whom I went on this trip…

Celui/celle qui a fait ça … = The one who did that…

Ce jeu est celui que je préfère = This game is the one which I prefer (which = that dans le langage parlé, voir Partie 2)


Dans le langage parlé ou informel, on peut remplacer “who(m)” et “which” par “THAT”, le “that” pouvant alors être supprimé sauf quand il est sujet, comme dans les exemples suivants :

Peter is the man whom I love

devient alors :

Peter is the man (that) I love (le that peut être supprimé)

Les exemples de la Partie 1 avec who(m) et which deviennent alors :

The person that did that must be rewarded (that = sujet, donc ne peut pas être supprimé)

I haven’t seen the person that have done it (that = sujet, donc ne peut pas être supprimé)

The game (that) you have chosen is not my favourite one

The girl (that) you saw yesterday is my best friend

The person (that) I have talked to you about lives here

This is the person (that) I’m looking after

The country (that) he is native of…

He is a boy (that) we know nothing about

The girl (that) he is in love with lives in France

The restaurant (that) he talked to me about is close to here

There are two books, one of which is more recent than the other one (pas de transformation dans ce cas)

These people that are said to be weird, … (that = sujet, donc ne peut pas être supprimé)

This is the man (that) I spoke to yesterday

This is the recipe (that) I was thinking about

The boss (that) I was working for

The girl (that) I went on this trip with

The one that did that… (that = sujet, donc ne peut pas être supprimé)

This game is the one (that) I prefer


I hope this article will be helpful to you!

See you


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