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You, the Social Media, the Internet & informatics: EXPRESSIONS+LEXICON+Abbreviation QUIZ

In your everyday life, whether you browse the web, chat, tweet or do anything on your Smartphone, computer or tablet, there are expressions and words you absolutely need to know to express yourself properly and to understand what’s going on. Today, let’s see the most common and useful words related to the web and more.

Juste avant, sachez que si vous aimez mes articles, je propose plusieurs programmes pour apprendre ou perfectionner son anglais dans le même esprit, dont la méthode EMTC pour beginner et lower-intermediate ou des formations diplômantes Cambridge à tous niveaux (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1), ainsi que du coaching en ligne sur mesure par Skype.

Basic gestures and action on the Internet, the Social Media, etc.


DID you SWITCH ON or TURN ON your computer? = allumer

I just STARTED my laptop = démarrer – ordinateur portable

SIGN IN/SIGN OUT = s’enregistrer/se déconnecter

I HAVE just LOGGED IN = ouvrir une session

(Your computer saying:) UPLOADING… = en train de charger

The computer IS SEARCHING = rechercher

I just SET UP my new computer = installer

You have to KEY IN your password = saisir, taper

I WILL GO ONLINE = se connecter à internet

I like SURFING/BROWSING the web = surfer sur le web

I like CHATTING during the night = tchatter

I CHECK my emails three times a day = relever ses messages

I OPENED/CLOSED the file = ouvrir/fermer

You just have to ENTER/INPUT/FEED the data (into the computer) = entrer

A lot of data ARE BEING STORED = stocker

I often SHARE the content of my articles with friends = partager le contenu

I will SENT him/her a message = envoyer

He/she WILL REPLY tomorrow by email = répondre

Don’t forget to ENCLOSE/ATTACH the photos = joindre, annexer

I can ACCESS the web when I want = accéder à (TO ACCESS STHG = accéder à qqch.)

You can CONNECT almost everywhere = se connecter

You just have to PLUG IN = (se) brancher

Just INSERT the USB key = insérer

You have to SELECT/CHOOSE a category = sélectionner

Just CLICK the link = cliquer sur le lien

Just MOVE the cursor! = bouger

I AM SCROLLING/PULLING DOWN the menu = faire défiler, dérouler

The information IS BEING DISPLAYED on the screen = s’afficher

You have to SLIDE the item into the shopping cart = glisser

You have to SUBSCRIBE if you want to get the newsletter regularly = s’inscrire, souscrire

The computer IS PROCESSING the data = traiter les données

I hope I WILL RETRIEVE my data = récupérer

I’m going to DOWNLOAD this programme = télécharger

You need to RUN the programme = exécuter

How long does it take to PRINT the data? = imprimer

DID you SAFEGUARD/HOLD or SAVE/RECORD the files? = sauvegarder ou sauver/enregistrer

I WILL LOG OUT/OFF = fermer la session

DID you SWITCH OFF or TURN Off your computer? = éteindre

For more specific actions + LEXICON + QUIZ, JUST CLICK ON ESPACE PRO ABOVE!